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Supplier Quotation & Packing Information
Choose the right supplier quotation between all the offers you received. Inform some logistics aspects (parcel size, quantity per box,etc..). Validate or invalidate the custom duty proposal by just a click.
Exchange Rates
An exchange rate is usually quoted in terms of the number of units of one currency that can be exchanged for one unit of another currency. Volatility is a risk. Geniustrade will help you by getting exchange rates in live. Be sure of your cost, trust real time update or set your own rate !
Selling Information
Put a margin rate, GeniusTrade will give you a synthesis of :
  • Cost
  • Marge
  • Revenue
View cost breakdown chart and manage your analysis process.

Choose your incoterm, arrival place, and Estimated Time of Departure. Geniustrade will give you an optimal proposal of freight forwarder, route, and type of container.
Inspections Product
Choose your quality control services company and area to inspect to guarantee the product paid for is securely loaded. GeniusTrade will give you an estimated cost.